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Culture and Leadership

How to become a leader who is followed by others? What tools do I need and how do I work with them? We will find out why it is good to become an informal leader, to have a vision and a set culture of partnership.

This module is designed for:

school principals and their representatives who want to embark on a journey of self-discovery, testing, inspiring and gathering new ideas and experiences. The goal of this program is to leave as a confident, empowered leader who is eager to face new challenges.

The output of this module is:

An empowered principal and deputy who has the necessary information and tools to be able to build his vision and, together with his deputy, is able to carry it forward to his school staff, students and parents.

Key activities:

My world.

Process: pairs of participants from one school draw their map on paper (it can be a simple shape, e.g. a circle, but a map is preferable) and draw who belongs to their map – people, animals, plants, groups, important objects … and especially themselves, so that it is clear what place they occupy in their communication map. Then each school will present their own school.

Who is the leader? – workshop.

Groups of 6 people will be formed and each group will take one world famous leader as an example. The group discusses the question, what do they consider to be typical of a world-famous leader? What makes him or her a leader? What would you seek him out for? What areas does the leader focus on? What are his or her responsibilities?

Attributes of a leader.

In groups, we talk together about how does a leader express him/herself? What tools does he or she have that make ” the” magic there? So what is the magic that makes leaders fascinating? We will discuss such attributes that make ordinary persons leaders. Such as MISSION, RELATIONSHIPS, BELIEF, BRAND, WHY.

Defining your own vision, your personal WHY?

Every principal and representative reflects on the following questions: why will teachers, parents, school staff come to me? What do I have that is admirable and great for them? Why should they follow our school? Then each person shares their WHY with the others. They then get feedback on their WHY from others.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Leadership 1

MODULE 1 - Questionnaire for you